Monday, July 24, 2017

Nerdy Curly Girl Method: Hot Water Bottle Method (Outside and In Shower Instructions)

As girls with low-porosity hair knows: our shafts have a difficult time not only getting wet, but also absorbing what we put on it. A specific problem with our hair being so sealed is that water is a key component of moisturizing hair. Without water as our base: it's nearly impossible to truly hydrate our hair. (It's also why it's important to intake fluids for our bodies as well!)

Also as low-porosity girls know: we often struggle with products "staying on top." This ultimately leads to build-up, a build-up of protein overload (large proteins cannot penetrate those shafts) and often dry hair since the products sit on our shafts versus being absorbed as easily as porous hair. While low-porosity is generally considered the 'desired' hair porosity: it also comes with many problems, as does being more porous does.

This is even an issue with more porous hair as well because ultimately -- regardless of porosity -- heat and steam help shafts absorb products which are placed on it. Even though, I designed this method with low-porosity girls in mind: please give it a shot even if you are a high-porosity girl!

Throughout my own journey of navigating my hair, I began to correlate the difference in texture of my hair after deep conditioning with heat (as I always had done per my stylist's mother's instructions) and my feeling when I applied products.

Regardless of what I used, I noticed my hair would not "drink up the products," placed on it after the shower. Within a short frame of time, I easily and quickly deduced that it was not the products which my hair didn't like. It was that my hair needed heat to help said products penetrate! The heat of the shower and the deep conditioning cap were allowing my cuticles to accept the products.

The more hydrated my curls: not only are they curlier -- but they also last much longer! This not only uses water as your 'base' product, but lets your products truly absorb into your shafts hence making your curls more hydrated. If you're low-porosity and or even more porous: see if this changes anything for the better for you!


1. After getting out of your shower: completely fill up a plastic water spray bottle with extremely hot water. Section your hair as normal for styling. In my hair on average, I section between 4-8 sections. I have immensely dense hair, so I use about 16oz of hot water to 'soak' my hair again while doing this method.

2. Spray one of your sections with the hot water. After the section is soaked in hot water: apply your styler. In this case, I'd start my regimen by using a leave-in immediately after the hot water. Repeat all sections in the same matter: spray hot water to drench it, make sure it's soaked warmly, apply product, then let it 'sit' so said product can absorb.

If the product doesn't absorb immediately: apply more hot water and scrunch.

Generally: my hair will accept the product once it sits for at least a minute; if not even faster. This is actually a time saver because it allows me to move onto the next section. By the time that my entire head is applied with hot water and my styler (leave-in): it's fully absorbed and my hair feels very soft.

(Please note, however, if your hair still doesn't seem to accept the product: it may just be too heavy for your low-porosity locks!)

3. Do the same method for each styler; especially leave-ins and creams.

4. If you have applied leave-in and or cream: scrunch out excess moisture. By this time: your hair should feel like seaweed as if you did the STC method in the shower. (Remember: STC works so well with curls because it's often hot and steamy in there!)

3. I repeat this step for each of my products from my leave-in, enhancer, and gel (my normal styling combo); the hot water helps my products not only penetrate, but keeps slip in my hair. Once I rewet again, I apply my gel.

I then scrunch out the excess water (just as I do with the leave-in and or cream) then use more gel to create a harder cast.


1. If STC is your preferred method of using a leave-in: make sure the water is very hot! Before you STC: drench your hair with hot water. The heat will help your hair accept the conditioner because of the added hot water, as well as steam from the shower. However before you 'squish': let your hair marinate in the conditioner, so it truly absorbs it.

2. If you do like applying products in shower but don't STC: section your hair as mentioned above, hit your section with a shower hose of hot water, apply your styler (usually a leave-in is generally first), then let it sit. After it's felt as if it has absorbed then continue on with this method for each styler product as notated above.

I am also sure that you can 'quicken' this method either outside or inside the shower by simply soaking your hair with hot water, but ultimately it works so well because it allows the products to penetrate. If this is too time consuming: simply try soaking your hair with hot water before applying your styles and see if you notice a change.

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The Nerdy Curly Girl

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